Our partners include renowned institutes, universities and enterprises with internationally recognised expertise. Working with them Printcolor is able to offer a competence network which benefits both our customers and us.

Applied DNA Sciences Inc. (ADNAS) develops DNA solutions for brand and counterfeit protection and delivers a robust law enforcement technology.
Heraeus Electronics is a specialist for the development of conductive inks and pastes. Printcolor sells these high quality products exclusively in Europe.
Academic Partners

The Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz has emerged as one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland and is renowned for its innovations.

The Paul Scherrer Institut PSI is the largest research centre for natural sciences and engineering in Switzerland. The institute performs cutting edge research into matter and materials, human health and energy and the environment.

The University of Basle is the oldest university in Switzerland, and has seven faculties.

Institute and Associations

Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. is an umbrella organisation. This widely networked and modern industry federation counts enterprises from all areas of the printing industry as its members.

ESMA is a European non-profit organisation which focuses on screen, digital and flexo printing technology. Its members include manufacturers of machinery, systems, software and consumables.

FOGRA Forschungsgesellschaft Druck e.V. (Fogra Graphic Technology Research Association) aims to promote print engineering in the fields of research and development, and to enable the printing industry to utilise the results.

The International Card Manufacturers Association (ICMA) serves the worldwide card industry. ICMA provides an independent forum for education, networking and collaboration for its members.

Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS) focuses its activities on developing new materials, packaging, print products and resources efficiency. PTS helps companies to develop and apply modern fibre-based solutions.

UGRA is a Swiss centre of competence which supports academic research in the printing industry. Its aims are to certify and improve the quality of printed products.

The Verband der Schweizerischen Lack- und Farbenindustrie (VSLF), founded in 1907, is the Swiss national trade association of the varnish, color and printing ink industry. VSLF aims at preserving and promoting the common interests of the varnish, color and printing ink industry.
Standardization Institute
> ISO - International Organization for Standardization
> DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.